Chandrima Gupta

Employment Law & Family Law
Chandrima is an Edmonton-based employment and family law attorney with a strong educational background from the University of Alberta. She prioritizes client-centered solutions and has extensive experience advocating for her clients in Alberta courts.
  • Bachelor of Commerce, University of Alberta
  • Juris Doctor, University of Alberta

A Career of Success

Before coming to Lypkie Henderson, Chandrima obtained her Bachelor of Commerce degree and Juris Doctor degree, both from the University of Alberta. While at law school, Chandrima volunteered with the Student Legal Services in both the Criminal and Civil divisions, as well as the Women’s Law Forum. Chandrima then articled and practiced at a downtown law firm where she gained extensive experience in employment law and family law. Since being called to the bar, Chandrima represents clients in all employment matters such as wrongful dismissal, human rights, severance package and contract reviews, and disputes during employment. She also represents clients in all family matters such as division of family property, child and spousal support, and parenting.

Chandrima recognizes that legal issues can be stressful and complex and as such, she believes in taking a client-centred approach to her practice– one that is tailored to align with each client’s specific goals and prioritizes long-term solutions that are both time- and cost-effective for her clients.

Chandrima is also an enthusiastic advocate who has successfully represented the interests of many clients before the Alberta Court of Justice and the Court of King’s Bench of Alberta. Whether through negotiations, settlements, or litigation, Chandrima is results-driven and ensures that her client’s rights are protected, and their voice is heard.

Chandrima has called Edmonton home for the majority of her life. Outside of the office, she loves to spend time with her family and friends, read fictional novels, and teach Hindi on the weekends.

She is fluent in Hindi and is conversational in Urdu and Punjabi.

Move Forward with Confidence

We know that many areas of law can be overwhelming. Whether it’s your estate, job, or business, mountains of legal documents should be the least of your worries. Let us take care of the details so you can move forward confidently into the future.