Probate Applications
If you have been named as an Executor in someone’s Will, the lawyers at Lypkie Henderson can assist with the complex and technical area of Probate Applications. A Grant of Probate confirms the Executor’s authority to manage the deceased’s estate. A Grant of Probate is usually required to deal with real estate owned by the deceased and most banks will require the Will to be probated before allowing the Executor to access bank accounts.
Typically, the person named as the deceased’s Executor goes to a lawyer experienced in probate matters who then prepares the Application for Probate. The Application must include notices to all of the beneficiaries, contact information for the beneficiaries and family members of the deceased. The paperwork will also require an accounting of the deceased’s property and debts.
If you are unsure if you are required to apply for Probate, our lawyers can review your situation and advise you if this is necessary.